Image of The Inquiring Stories of Bland Man and Other Bits / Chapbook

The Inquiring Stories of Bland Man and Other Bits / Chapbook

£8.50 - On sale

Currently being reprinted. Available for posting early August!!

Read our inspiring odyssey into the uninspired. A man who can’t have a bath naked. Another man who misses his dog. Someone else who makes friends with his colleague only for him to be viciously dismembered by a telephone pylon.

Words by Willie Davies (@slibslubslab) and illustrated by Elena Hartley (@eh_art_ley).

Riso Printed by Bristol printer 16 Tonne Press. 28 pages. G.F. Smith Cool Blue Cover @ 270gsm. Cor. Small Enough to fit in a large pocket. Large enough that you won't need glasses to read it.

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